Cypress Magazine

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Food Remedies for Allergy Sufferers

Being an allergy sufferer myself, I am in a constant search for the cure that doesn’t involve going to get allergy shots in the city four times a week! Over my years of experience and research, I have compiled a list for you of foods that help relieve some of the symptoms of allergies. You know, the red, puffy nose, the river flowing out of one if not both of your eyes, the itching, the constant nose blowing… those kinds of symptoms. Just by typing this I feel a sneeze coming on!

Pineapple Juice
Pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain. Skipping the biological explanation, this enzyme is known to have anti-inflammatory, pain reducing, and mucus destroying properties. Incorporating pineapple into some of your daily recipes is an easy way to incorporate pineapple into your day. For example, I would suggest a Piña colada Myself, but I am not sure that is backed up by scientific research…lol

An apple a day may keep your allergies away. This enzyme is called quercetin. This also has anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to reduce asthmatic symptoms. However, most of this benefit comes from the peel. For a delicious recipe with apples, I would suggest cinnamon and brown sugar honey baked apples. In this recipe, you hollow out an apple, and slice the insides into tiny squares (or whatever shaped chunks you can manage with your one eye left  that isn’t overreacting to the pollen.) Once you have discarded the core, place the insides in a plastic bag with “about the right amount” of brown sugar and cinnamon. In other words, however much you want. Shake well. Place the apple pieces back into the apple skin, and pour a small (or large if you really like it) amount of honey over the top with a few pieces of butter. Lastly, sprinkle some brown sugar and cinnamon on top, place in pan side by side, and bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until soft.

Speaking of honey, I know we have all heard that local honey helps with allergies. You can put honey in morning tea, oatmeal, baked apples, and so so much more. Here is a list of who provides local honey in #CypressLand.

Sanders Local Honey          901.517.7636 Shelby County
HillBilly Acres Farm             901.289.8558 Tipton County
Adair Honey Farm               901.268.0528 Fayette County
Hickory Grove Farm            731.608.4424 Crockett County
Kountry Kuzn Bee Farm      901.465.4176 Fayette County


If you know of any more old home remedies, share them with us at!