Operation: Whine and Dine

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Thank Max Day is just around the corner; right after Pawtober. So we need to get this year’s plans ready early to be prepared for Novemfur. My hoomans take days to prepare for Thank Max Day. My hoomans start cooking on Wagsday morning and keeping going all the way to Fursday evening! They make mouf-watering turkey and chicken and dressing (it doesn’t look like hooman clothes, but it sure tastes good!) and corn and French green beans (I do have some culture, ladies) and then there’s the desserts. WOOF! Thank Day begins when the hoomans start cooking and they thank me the whole time. And then, the hoomans accidentally make way too much Thank Day food and the Thank Day food keeps coming at least until Declawber, and then they do it all over again for Christmax! I’m going to give you a few tips on how to get the most thanks on your Thank Day. And don’t forget to practice your puppy-dog eyes—just one look and you’ll have your hooman wrapped around your paw.

Tip 1: Starting on Chewsday night, be on your best good boy behavior so they forget that you got in the trash last week.

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Tip 2: While your hoomans are cooking sit next to them and quietly whine. They will see you being a good boy and feel bad that they haven’t fed you in the last hour.

Tip 3: If you want to be sneaky, lean against your hooman’s leg and it may throw them off balance enough to drop some food on the ground. After you clean the floor, they will thank you with more food.

Tip 4: I know there is a car pulling in the neighbor’s driveway, but DON’T BARK AT IT. This one is hard, I know,  but you have already started being a good boy for this week and you can’t stop now—good dogs don’t quit!


Tip 5: Be good all Chewsday, Wagsday, and Fursday so your hooman won’t put you in the other room when guests come over. That way, all the guests can participate in Thank Day, too!

Tip 6: After Thank Day is over, it becomes Leftover Thank Day. Your hoomans will have so much leftover Thank Day food they will be the ones begging...for you to eat the extra food.

I hope your Thank Day is great! And don’t forget to thank your hooman for all they do for you, too. Maybe roll on their pillow so they can always have your smell when they sleep. Let me know how your Thank Day went at max@cypressmag.com.

*Remember hoomans, there are a lot of foods that are harmful to our four-legged furbabies. Here’s a list of popular Thanksgiving foods your pups cannot eat:

  • Chocolate

  • Grapes

  • Onions

  • Raw meat

  • Macadamia nuts

  • Mushrooms

  • Excessively salty foods

  • Alcohol

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