Do the Five!


According to the CDC, there are five things you can do to help stop the spread of Covid-19: the Corona Virus. 

Number 1:

Washing your hands.

Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water can go a long way with helping to stop the spread of Covid-19. Singing a song like “happy birthday” can help you gauge the time.

Number 2:

Cough into your elbow.

Your mom always said to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and doing it now could certainly help stop spreading germs. By coughing into your elbow or upper arm, you’re helping to eliminate the spread of germs by touch.

no touchy-01.png

Number 3:

Don’t touch your face.

You only notice something when you try to stop doing it. Some studies show that the average adult touches their face up to 16 TIMES AN HOUR! By consciously deciding to reduce the amount of time you touch your face, you reduce your chance of being infected.

Number 4:

Stay away from others.

The CDC is currently recommending a minimum of 6 feet:

Now is not the time to be rubbing elbows with people. Bumping elbows is probably okay, but getting together in large crowds is not. To help stop the spread, it’s best if you avoid places where you’re around a lot of people. You don’t want to get sick and neither does anyone else, so stay away from other people at a minimum of three to six feet. Especially older adults or those who are immunocompromised, or have heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease.

Number 5:


If you are coughing, have a fever, are unusually tired, or have difficulty breathing: Just stay home. Have family or a neighbor leave some day-quill/night-quill on your porch and rotate Tylenol and Advil. Drink lots of fluids and stay away from the other people who live with you. If you feel going to the doctor is necessary, give them a call and let them know your symptoms so they can adequately prepare, and you don’t infect others in the waiting room. Unless you’re coughing until you’re blue in the face you’re fine. You will recover. Remember that this too shall pass. 


This is a scary time for people around the world. If you do your part and follow these five simple steps everything will be okay. There are health officials around the clock monitoring everything. If news media has you on edge, please visit these websites for accurate and up-to-date information:

Click below for hand-washing information: